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Environmental Clearinghouse is happy to introduce CEI Today's new look.

To sign in, there are three options:

  1. CEI Today PDF Subscribers: If you have been receiving an electronic PDF issue of our newsletter via email, you may use that email and the password assigned to your organization.
  2. CEI Today Login Number: You may also use the login number and password assigned to you from the old system.
  3. Prop 65 Clearinghouse Subscribers: If you have logged in to our partner site, please use the same email and password.

NOTICE: If you experience trouble logging in and are using Microsoft's Internet Explorer, please note that Microsoft is no longer supporting updates to that browser, and one of the issues we are encountering with that browser includes the inability to login. We suggest using a different browser such as Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. 

If you have any problems or questions, contact us at:

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